server vs. cloud Georgetown TX

Tech Tip #187: The Data DebateWhen you're looking to purchase a new server, how do you know if a physical or cloud-based solution is best?  Today, we will be taking a closer look at the pros and cons of physical versus cloud-based servers.

Physical Server
A physical server may seem like the old-fashion way to house your data, but it has some tried-and-true benefits. Here are the top 3 benefits to physical servers:

  1. Freedom - You have the ultimate control of your infrastructure. You can manage the server as you wish.
  2. Application Access - Some business applications do not have a web-based solution for the Cloud. For those companies, a physical server is their only option.
  3. Speed - There are many files that are large to work on (an example would be architectural files that have 3D rendering). A physical server may allow for faster accessibility. If you live in a remote area with limited internet connectivity, you'll definitely want a physical server so you can still access your files even without the internet.

So then, what are the disadvantages to a local server?

  1. Price - A physical server has a large up-front price (like any other piece of hardware). In addition to the initial cost, there will be ongoing maintenance fees that will apply.
  2. Space - Another disadvantage of relying on physical servers is space. With all of your client/patient data, it needs to be securely housed at your office.
  3. Life-expectancy - At some point, you will have to get another one. Either due to storage limitations or age, so you will have to continue to budget for future purchases.
  4. Backup -  The server will still need to be backed-up remotely.  There will be continued costs or time associated with making sure all your data is duplicated off-site.

Cloud-Based Server
A cloud-based server comes with its own benefits. You can almost flip the advantages/disadvantages with a physical server to get the cloud-based ones.

  1. Cost - Cloud-based servers do not have an upfront cost but an ongoing monthly fee. This is good for businesses that would rather cashflow their server needs instead of budgeting for a large, future need. A cloud-based solution may cost more over time cumulatively, but the trade-off is no unforeseen expenditures.
  2. Save Physical Space - With a cloud-based server, you have just freed-up some office space. Which comes in handy if you decide on a home office.
  3. Disaster Recovery Ready - With your data in the Cloud, you no longer have to worry about fire or water damage.
  4. Easy Access - With more employees working remotely, accessing data can be more convenient and secure. For those that work on large files, there are still cloud solutions, but it will cost more than the typical user.

AND the disadvantages of the cloud?

  1. Lack of Control - When you rely on a third-party to store data for you, you’re lifting a lot of responsibility off of your shoulders, but if something affects your storage provider, like outages or malware infections, that will directly impact access to your data. You’ll have to rely on the provider to fix the issues.
  2. Bandwidth - If you have a poor internet connection, your speed will be compromised, and you're going to have difficulty working with your Cloud files.
  3. Security - Even if you take steps to prevent anyone in your company from leaking data, your storage provider might accidentally expose your data to the wrong person. The more time your data spends unprotected, the more at-risk it becomes.

Which is the best solution for your business?  For some businesses, it will not be “either/or” but “both/and.” However, the only way to determine that and to know all of your options is in a side-by-side comparison. CTTS can provide you an evaluation between physical vs cloud-based servers for you.  Then, you can determine the best direction to take. Reach out to us for your no-cost evaluation.

If you'd like a free demonstration of our Cybersecurity Awareness Training, to test your company, see where your employees stand, and how we can all stay hacker-free, contact CTTS today: (512) 388-5559.

Kyle Barker
By Kyle Barker
Business Consultant
Central Texas Technology Solutions