Data Privacy Georgetown TXWould you share your name with a complete stranger? Of course! We do it all the time, but what about the other information you wouldn’t share? When data that should be kept private gets into the wrong hands, bad things can happen.

That's why we are raising awareness among users, and especially business owners, about the importance of protecting the privacy of their confidential information online.

Check out our Top 5 Tips to Protect Your Privacy:

  1. Use Strong, Unique Passwords for all of Your Accounts. Using unique passwords for every site or service is a great first step in protecting your businesses valuable information, but you'll need to do a bit more than that. It’s not just passwords for your email addresses and social media accounts that need to be secure, ensure that the login for your laptop and mobile devices have complex passwords that you change often, at least every 90 days. I also recommend using a passphrase containing a variety of characters to make the password harder to crack. You can use a password manager to keep things simple, organized, and secure.
  2. Make Email Security A Priority - A great first step in defending your online privacy is a clear understanding of the various types of malware, ransomware, viruses, and phishing attacks. Each of these threats target a specific type of user and require different precautions to be taken to avoid infection. With the ever-growing threat of hackers and cybercriminals, as well as the need to secure business information, email security should always be a priority. Be careful about what information you send via email as well as when you receive an email. If there is ever any doubt to the validity of the email, simply call the sender and ask to confirm their intention, it can save a lot of headaches. If you are unsure, you can always contact an IT provider.
  3. Practice Social Media SafetyCheck your privacy settings on social media. Be aware of who can see your posts, and what you're posting. Information such as your date of birth or address gives cybercriminals usable information about you. Also, sharing when and where you’re going on vacation lets criminals know that your home is empty and easy pickings.
  4. Keep Your Software Up To Date - Keeping your various software up-to-date will help protect you from the latest threats. Updates can be a generally misunderstood process. They may seem unnecessary at times, but in addition to repairing security holes that have been discovered and fixing or removing computer bugs, updates can also include new or enhanced features, improve the stability of your software, and remove outdated features.
  5. Business IT Management Georgetown TXEnable Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) - This security enhancement allows you to present multiple pieces of evidence – your credentials –to verify the user’s identity for a login or other transaction. A multi-layered defense makes it more difficult for unauthorized persons to access your computing device, network or database. If one factor is compromised or broken, the attacker still has at least one more barrier to breach before successfully breaking in.

I hope these tips help your on your journey to a more secure future. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out, let’s talk about your business security today, before it’s too late: (512) 388-5559.



By Josh Wilmoth
CEO, Central Texas Technology Solutions