business office move Georgetown TX

business office move Georgetown TXThe need to relocate your office or building isn’t a project that occurs often but it’s not uncommon to have to do so. No matter the reason for the move, you’ll want to make sure all your bases are covered far enough in advance. Many carriers (Internet Service Providers (ISP) and various tech vendors) require lead times far enough out to ensure they’re able to meet their clients’ needs and schedules. Keeping all this in mind, planning for your relocation is not something you’ll want to wait until the last minute. In doing so, you’ll be able to keep your staff and customers happy as well as save you some time and money along the way.

Here are 3 tips to ensure your office relocation goes smoothly:

  1. Plan the IT portion of your relocation well in advance. The initial months of planning should ensure the following task occur:
  • Consult w/ your IT provider and schedule an onsite visit of the proposed location to review infrastructure and cabling requirements
  • 2 months prior to the move: Notify all necessary vendors (i.e. ISP that services the proposed site, printer service) and inform them of your move date
  1. Evaluate all currently installed equipment. An office move is a perfect opportunity to replace any aging/outdated/out-of-warranty equipment. Adequate planning can have the new office’s infrastructure up and running prior to your move date.
  1. Review telecommunications options. Take into consideration the current plan you’re operating on, factor in growth and determine if you need to increase your line capacity. This move would be a good time to review your current telecom plan and shop around for better pricing. Voice-over-IP (VoIP) is an excellent consideration that easily scales with organizational growth and can be deployed over your existing network infrastructure without the reliance on traditional circuit switching.

Keeping your IT Team involved in the technical aspect of your relocation project will ensure no unnecessary downtime when moving sites and can also be a proactive discussion in determining replacements for out-of-compliance equipment

Questions? Comments? Need help with your next office move? Feel free to Contact CTTS for any of your business technology needs: (512) 388-5559

By Josh Wilmoth
CEO, Central Texas Technology Solutions